Pc: The Puffiness Nutri-Element November 2022Why this Nutri-Element? Pc, also named Puffiness, reduces the volume of under-eye pouches by relieving congestion and restoring elasticity to skin tissue to smooth the skin around the eyes. ➔ Decrease of...
Cn: The Dark Circles Nutri-Element November 2022Why this Nutri-Element? Cn, also named Dark Circles, reactivates microcirculation and reduces skin colouring to prevent and correct dark circles under the eyes. ➔ Reduction of the pigmentation of dark circles:...
CODAGE, so much more than just SkinCARE... November 2022When CODAGE becomes more than cosmetics... CODAGE Paris is launching CODAGE Care: a program to make our brand part of a charitable approach, by supporting social, societal and environmental projects...